A Broad view on the Galaxy
Perseus Arm![]() |
Cygnus![]() |
Galactic Bulge![]() |
Norma Arm![]() |
Vela region![]() |
Anticenter![]() |
4U0115+63 Cyg X-2 Cas A V0332+53 A 0114+650 |
Cyg X-1 Cyg X-3 GRS 1915+105 Aql X-1 |
1E 1740.7-294 OAO 1657-41 GX 3+1 GX 5-1 GRS 1758-258 GX 9+1 |
Cen X-3 GX 301-2 Circinus galaxy 4U 1608-522 4U 1630-47 GX 339-4 |
Vela X-1 4U 0836-429 |
Crab Nebula |

- The mosaic above is obtained in 35-80 keV energy band and is shown in significance.
- The green contours are isophotes of the 4.9 micron surface brightness of the Galaxy (COBE/DIRBE) revealing the bulge/disk structure of the Galaxy.
Related Links and References
- The paper has been appeared in Astronomy & Astrophysics and on its cover page, see A&A table of contents for September, 2012
- INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month, August, 2012
- HEASARC Picture of the week, July 30, 2012
- XMM follow-up observations of two unidentified INTEGRAL sources / Atel #4250
- Optical spectroscopy of X-ray source IGR J22534+6243 / Atel #4248
- Archival ROSAT observations of the newly discovered X-ray Pulsar IGR J22534+6243 and its period derivative / Atel #4241
- Discovery of 46.6 s X-ray Pulsations from the Candidate for IGR J22534+6243 / Atel #4240
- On the nature of the SWIFT/INTEGRAL source SWIFT J1508.6-4953 (also PMN J1508-4953) / Atel #4167
- Search for counterparts of newly discovered INTEGRAL/IBIS sources / Atel #4166
- New INTEGRAL Galactic Plane Survey in SkyView / blog
- Likely X-ray counterparts of newly discovered INTEGRAL/IBIS sources / Atel #4165
- AGN in the INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year Galactic hard X-ray survey / Atel #4151